Other Articles in Reports & Dashboards

How to Apply a Filter to a Dashboard

In AIM, there are a variety of ways to filter Reports/Dashboards. One way is to apply a filter directly to a Dashboard, resulting in each component respecting that filter.

  1. Navigate to the Dashboard you want to filter and click ‘Edit’ in the top right. 

  1. Click the ‘+Filter’ button.

  1. Search for the field you want to filter on, enter the desired display name, and click ‘Add Filter Value’. 

  1. On the popup screen, enter the desired ‘Operator’, and field ‘Value’ you want to use in the filter. Feel free to adjust the ‘Display Text’. Then, click “Apply”. 

  1. Click “Add Filter Value” and repeat step 4 for each filter value you want to apply. Once complete, click ‘Add’ in the bottom right. 

  1. Last, click ‘Save’ and ‘Done’ in the top right corner.

For more information, refer to the ‘Add a Dashboard Filter’ Salesforce Help Article.