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How to Add New Fields to Custom Report Types

Custom Report Types enable users to create reports based on particular criteria and fields. If a report based on a Custom Report Type does not contain the fields expected, you need to add them to the layout of the report type.

  1. You must be an administrator in your AIM organization to make these changes.
  1. Click on the gear icon in the top right corner. Select “Setup” from the dropdown menu. In the Quick Find box, type “Report Types” and select it from the results.

  1. In the list, locate the Custom Report Type you want to modify. Click on the Label to open the details page. Once on the details page, click the ‘Edit Layout’ button in the ‘Fields Available for Reports’ section.

  1. In the ‘View’ drop-down, select the object that holds the field you’d like to add to the report. You can add fields highlighted in green to the layout. 

  1. Once you find the field, click on it (it will turn blue), then drag and drop it to the appropriate section on the left. 

  1. Click the “Save” button to apply the changes to your Custom Report Type.

  1. Verify the field(s) were added to the Report Type by navigating to the ‘Reports’ object (on the front end) and clicking “New Report.” Select your Custom Report Type and click on the ‘Fields’ tab. Use the ‘Quick Lookup’ search bar to confirm the field was added.