May 2023 Release Notes

New ShareSecure Updates Existing Users: Two-Factor Authentication Device Additions To ensure the safety of your ShareSecure account, you will now be prompted with a notification modal to add a two-factor authentication device as a method of security when logging into ShareSecure.  While you can disregard the notification modal to add a device, the prompt will […]

April 2023 Release Notes

New Correspond Investor Edition Updates Pro-active Warning Notification for Exceeding Size Limits This new product feature calls attention to users that documents being loaded in the batch process may prevent successful delivery of the emails. Direct Emails sent via Investor Correspondence cannot include any number of attachments that exceed 10mb total. Now, a proactive warning […]

February 2023 Release Notes

New AIM Updates Track Your Fundraising Pipeline History in Greater Detail The new Fundraising Reporting object automatically tracks stage progression for Fundraising records within AIM. As a Fundraising record moves through the pipeline, the Fundraising Reporting object will capture the Enter Date and Exit Date of each specific stage for a single record. This enables […]