How to Generate Tearsheets in AIM

Tearsheets within AIM offer your team the data they care about the most, all with the click of one button. Tearsheets present easy-to-access, customizable, print-ready reports that summarize and optimize how you consume the data you need now.  Some Tearsheets come standard with your AIM subscription. If you would like to discuss creating a new […]

How to Rename a Field in Answers

The names of fields in widgets are taken from the data source (cube). To make these names more comprehensible, you can rename the fields in your widget. Steps: *Note: Renaming the field will only change the name at this specific widget level. If you want the field renamed for your entire cube, please contact Altvia […]

How to Change Widget Colors in Answers

The Widget Designer automatically assigns colors and provides the following options for manipulating the colors:  Single Color Note: To select a custom color that does not exist in the palette, enter a hexadecimal value into the “#Custom” field Range of Colors Left/Right Colors: Click the color rectangles at the right and left to change the […]

How to Send an Investor Correspondence Batch

Altvia Correspond: Investor Edition enables your communication with Investor Contacts by generating and delivering documents via email and ShareSecure for capital calls, distributions, tax documents, and general correspondence.  Click here to view the Investor Correspond User Guide. Prerequisites for Sending a Batch  To send an IC Batch, you’ll need to ensure that the following conditions […]

How to Split a Single Document in Investor Correspondence (PDF)

Investor Correspondence is capable of ingesting a single document and using identifiers within any PDF document to split pages out, create multiple documents, and match the resulting documents to corresponding investors for distribution. It does so by reading special codes embedded on the pages of the source document, and by matching those codes to their […]

How to Manage Master Investor Contacts (MICs)

Historically, IR professionals have needed to make time for repetitive, error-prone, manual data entry creating new Investor Commitments, updating Contact’s Correspondence Preferences, or adding new Investor Contacts to all of an Account’s Investor Commitments. Altvia’s Product Team has solved this problem with Master Investor Contacts! Master Investor Contacts (MICs) allow users to set up a […]

What are the Delivery Options for Investor Correspondence?

An Investor Correspondence Batch record is the vehicle that delivers documents to Investor Contacts via email and/or ShareSecure (using Investor Correspondence Preferences) for an Entity. When sending an Investor Correspondence Batch, items are delivered to Investor Contacts according to their Investor Correspondence Preferences per the Correspondence Type (see below). When creating a new Investor Correspondence […]

How to Select and Add Contacts to a Mailing List

Select Contacts for your Mailing List Contacts may be pulled from: Reports (a), or Prior mailings (b)  Reports are used to generate “smart” lists of contacts to support mailings. Mailing lists may also be populated by contacts from prior mailings. When building mailing lists, it is also possible to combine contacts from reports by importing […]

How to Export Mailing Lists from Correspond as a CSV File

There is currently no ‘Export as CSV’ option found within the Mailing Lists tab in Correspond. However, there is a workaround that allows you to export a specific mailing list found under the Mailing Lists tab by creating a test mailing and exporting the mailing list from there. To do this, follow these simple steps: […]