Do you need to send a notification to all your clients in ShareSecure? Do you have a new Privacy Policy that you need new users to accept? Perhaps you need to request consent from your clients to deliver K-1s electronically.
ShareSecure admins can create Agreements to:
- Set and update Terms and Conditions
- Create Privacy Policies (Note – The Altvia ShareSecure Privacy Policy still applies to all users)
- Request consent from your clients to deliver K-1s electronically (Note – End users have the option to accept or decline the request. You can audit the results to manage client communications)
- Create custom Notifications and Agreements

View and Access Agreements
To access Agreements in ShareSecure you must have an Organization Administrator User Account. Once logged in as an Organization Administrator, simply navigate to the Settings menu and select Agreements.
Agreements Overview
The Agreements overview page displays all active and saved Agreements with details about the Agreement Name, Agreement Type, Created By, Created Date, and Export options. If you have many Agreements, you can also use search, sorting, and filter options.

Export options allow you to download a spreadsheet of the raw Agreements data, detailing the agreements users, responses, dates, and more. For more details look in the “Detail View” section below.
Agreements Detail View
The detailed view of Agreements allows for an in-depth analysis of an Agreement. In the detail view, you can find a breakout of all involved users and responses, as well as data exports, Agreement previews, Pause and delete actions, and more.

Agreement Actions allows you to Preview, Pause, Export, and Delete the Agreement.
This option allows you to see what the Agreement will look like to your users. Please note that existing Agreements cannot be edited. If you would like to make any changes, you will have to create a new Agreement.
Pausing an Agreement will set it to an inactive status and the paused Agreement will no longer prompt users. However, all users that have previously Accepted, Declined or Viewed the Agreement will be saved. You can resume the paused agreement when you’re ready.
All Agreement types allow you to download a data set containing usernames, user email addresses, status, and confirmation dates. The export functionality is particularly useful for Electronic K-1 Consent types of Agreements, giving you the ability to quickly audit which users have agreed to receive K-1s electronically, and which have not.
When deleting an Agreement, it will be removed from the Dashboard and users entirely. Please note that deleted Agreements cannot be recovered.
Creating a New Agreement
Click the “New Agreement” button on the overview page to start.

This field is the name for the Agreement. We recommend choosing a name that is easy for you to recognize, such as “Project Alpha Data Room T&Cs”. The name WILL be visible to your users.
There are several preset types of Agreements you can choose from, as well as a custom option to use with creating Agreements and Notifications.
- Terms and Conditions
- Privacy Policy
- Electronic K-1
- Custom
User Targeting
There are several options for user targeting.
- All users (your clients)
- Only new users (All existing ShareSecure users will retain the request they originally accepted.)
- Select groups of users (Use this to specify groups that need to accept. Please note that when a new user is added to this group, they will also need to accept the Agreement.
The Content box is where the actual Agreement text lives. Simply copy/paste or write a new Agreement from scratch. *Please note that there is no formatting allowed for this text box, just plain text.
This option will save the Agreement without publishing it. You can later select the Agreement on the overview page and start it.
This will generate a popup showing what the Agreement will look like to your users. Simply click on the green “CLOSE PREVIEW” bar at the bottom of the popup to exit.

This option will push the Agreement live for all selected user targets on their next login.