How to Connect an AIM Contact with a ShareSecure End User Contact

Are you having issues seeing ShareSecure data for your investors within AIM? If you have already created the end user in your ShareSecure portal, the end user may not be linked to the AIM contact record. Best practice calls for you to connect your ShareSecure users to AIM by taking the necessary steps below to […]

How to Download vs View in ShareSecure

In the ‘Users’ section of ShareSecure, an admin may click a user’s name to display that user’s detailed activity, which includes a ‘Viewed’ checkbox next to document names. One of our commonly asked questions is whether or not the ‘Viewed’ check indicates that the documents were Viewed, Downloaded, or both.  Within this column, ShareSecure does […]

How to Create a Group in ShareSecure

To create a Group in ShareSecure follow these steps. Groups help increase the efficiency of document sharing and help with organization within your portal. Steps: Note: If you would like to include all users in your instance of ShareSecure to have access to the documents shared with this group, skip the step of adding users […]

How to Customize the Watermark

ShareSecure offers an organization-wide setting that will apply a watermark to all PDF documents. If watermarking is enabled for your instance of ShareSecure, PDFs will be stamped with details such as username or download time.   Note: If enabled, all PDFs in your portal will be watermarked. However, it can be changed on a per-document basis. […]

How to Clone Users in ShareSecure

The Clone option in ShareSecure provides the ability to Clone or copy either Documents, Groups, or both from one user to another.  This is a useful tool if you’ve created a new user and you’d like to grant them specific access.  Using the Clone option will copy the access from one user’s page and replicate […]

How to Connect the ShareSecure API Key to AIM

ShareSecure for Salesforce requires a unique, self-generated API key for each Admin user. The ShareSecure API key is the token that will connect AIM to the correct ShareSecure portal. To retrieve the API key you’ll need to generate it manually with the click of a button as detailed in the steps below.  Steps: 4. Scroll […]

How to Edit Fields Displayed On a Related List

Salesforce provides Admins the ability to add, remove, or reorder the fields that are displayed on a Related List.  Prerequisite:  Steps: Note: To display more than the first four fields in the Salesforce Lighting environment, admins need to select the related list component in the Lightning App Builder and choose ‘Enhanced List’ as the related […]

How to Customize Your Navigation Bar in AIM

Add, remove, and reorder tabs that appear in your Navigation Bar for easier and cleaner navigation customized to your individual needs. See the GIF below to view us adding the “View All Interactions” tab to our Navigation Bar.   Adding Pages Temporarily & Permanently

How to Create a Batch Fundraising Record

This is a Lightning-only AIM functionality that allows users to create a batch of Fundraising records for a particular Entity based on imported reports. This tool allows our clients’ admins or investor relations teams to more quickly indicate who prospects for a fundraising initiative will be, letting them get to work on the actual business […]

How to Send Notifications after Creating an Interaction

Keep team members informed and aligned with pertinent Interactions by using Interaction Notifications! Send Notifications anytime you need to share an Interaction’s details. The Notification essentially sends a copy of the Interaction details to individual parties or groups that the sender can customize before each send. Upon sending the Notification, the sender is also able […]