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How to Disconnect a User’s MFA Connection

AIM administrators can disconnect a multifactor authentication (MFA) connection for users. This may be necessary if the user has a new phone or encounters access issues.

  1. The administrator needs a full Salesforce license with the “Manage Multi-Factor Authentication in User Interface” permission enabled or is the System Administrator
  1. Navigate to Setup (select the Gear icon in the top right corner) 
  2. On the Home tab, in the Quick Find box (top left corner), search users, then select ‘Users’

  1. Locate the user and click on their Full Name or Username

  1. Once on the user record, under the “User Detail” section, locate the Authenticator settings (do not go into ‘Edit’ mode)
    1. App Registration: One-Time Password Authenticator‘ – this is if they use a 3rd party authenticator app
    2. App Registration: Salesforce Authenticator‘ – this is if they use the Salesforce Authenticator app

  1. Whichever option has a connection, click ‘[Disconnect]’
  2. The user should be prompted to set up a new connection on their next login